Physiological parameters for the mouse are environmental factors, general physiological factors and blood values, as listed in the tables below.

Environmental factors (unit) Value
Temperature (ºC) 20-24*
Relative humidity (%) 55 ± 10
Ventilation (air changes/hour)  10 – 20
Light- darkness (hours) 12-14 / 12-10
Minimum floor surface cage 330
Minimum floor surface cage/ animal (cm²)

60 (0-20 g)

70 (20-25 g)

80 (25-30 g)

100 (> 30 g)

Breeding animal with pups (cm²) 330
Minimum cage height (cm) 12
Maximum light intensity (measured at cage/animal level,  lux) 60

* A higher temperature is required for newborns, animals that are ill or have undergone surgery and specific genetically altered strains (data modified from source: Van Zutphen, L.F.M., Baumans, V. and Beynen, A.C., Principles of Laboratory Animal Science, second edition, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2001).

General Physiological parameters

General Physiological parameters (unit) Value
Adult weight (g)


20-40 (male)

25-40 (female)

Lifespan (years) 1-2
Heart rate resting (per min) 300-800
Respiration rate resting (per min) 100-200
Body temperature (ºC) 36.5- 38.0
Number of chromosomes (2n) 40
Body surface (cm²)

36 (20 g)

130 (50 g)

260 (125 g)

Water intake (ml/100 g/day) 15
Sexual maturity (weeks) 5 (male and female)
Breeding age (weeks) 8-10 (male and female)
Estrous cycle (days) 4 (2-9)
Duration estrous (hours) 14
Gestation (days) 19 (18-21)
Litter size 6-12
Birth weight (g) 0.5- 1.5
Weaning weight (g) and weaning age (days) 10 and 21-28

Blood values

Blood values (unit) Value
Blood volume (ml/kg) 76-80
hemoglobin (g/100ml) 10-17
hematocrit (vol %) 39-49
Leukocytes (×1000/mm³) 5-12
Glucose (mg/100ml) 124-262